【公告】2022 BC 資安獎得獎名單
【資安產品獎】得獎名單 (按決審編號排列)
決審編號 | 廠商名稱 | 產品名稱 | 得獎理由 |
6 | 鎧睿全球科技(股)公司 | ArmorX APT 惡意電子郵件防禦 |
鎧睿全球科技自有產品 ArmorX 具有多項特色,如:
SMTP 即時回溯追蹤與雙認證白名單、建立主動式未知
攻擊防禦,包括 APT 釣魚”內容”攻擊防禦及滲透攻擊
知名第三方驗證單位給予肯定。 ArmorX Global's in-house developed ArmorX APT possesses a number of features. It uses the technology of "SMTP Instant Traceback" and "dualverification whitelisting mechanism", and establishes active defense program for unknown attacks including APT phishing "content" attacks and penetrations. ArmorX APT is selected to be used by various government agencies, hospitals and lots of enterprises among the industries of finance, semiconductor, manufacturing and service, etc. Its international competitiveness has been established by its attainment of EU patents and recognition by numerous internationally renowned third-party certification authorities. |
10 | 趨勢科技(股)公司 | Trend Micro Vision One™ |
Trend Micro Vision One™ 分析,利用原生的感應器及
防護點,在配上串聯各個防護層的 XDR 功能,結合各種
並根據漏洞、異常狀況、XDR 偵測事件、雲端應用程式
及國際市場競爭力。 Trend Micro Vision One™ focuses on risk analysis and security insights and delivers a broader perspective and better context to detect threats with the industry-leading XDR capabilities. With native sensors and seamless integrations with Trend Micro’s security stack across critical security layers, Trend Micro Vision One™ continuous monitors and corelates the information from vulnerabilities, abnormal behaviors, detection events, cloud app activities and account information. Trend Micro Vision One™ enables enterprises to assess its users and devices under attack. The security team can have a clear view on overall risk level and responds faster with an maximize efficiency by making less sophisticated security resources. Trend Micro Vision One™ receives recognitions from various global research firms and organizations and is a competitive solution in global market. |
12 | 熵碼科技(股)公司 | PUFcc 安全加密協處理器 |
PUFcc 利用晶片指紋產生高品質的隨機亂數,整合安全
產品獲得多項國內外專利,通過 NIST/OSCCA 等專業機
場成長潛力可期。 PUFcc uses chip fingerprints generating highquality random numbers and combines secure storage, PUF, OTP, anti-attack and cryptographic algorithms, etc., to develop an in-house innovative chip security solution. It provides a service offering high safety, low power consumption, and simplified integration. PUFcc demonstrates its professional capability through obtaining domestic and foreign patents, the certifications including NIST/OSCCA, and also the recognition of numerous internationally renowned third-party authorities. It’s distributed across various international leading OEM factories and platforms, and so its availability is high, enhancing the added value of integrated chip software and hardware security and pointing to its potential for growth internationally. |
【資安服務獎】得獎名單 (按決審編號排列)
決審編號 | 廠商名稱 | 產品名稱 | 得獎理由 |
14 | 中華資安國際(股)公司 | SOC 資安委外監控服務 |
並導入 AI/ML 技術,自主研發自動化工具與預警系統,
展潛力,故極力推薦。 CHT Security delivers comprehensive cyber security solutions which covers the detection beforehand, monitoring at all time and the forensics afterwards. In addition, CHT Security possessed with abundant technology expertise, with teams ranging from Cybersecurity evaluation, assessment, reverse engineering, forensics and R&D. The team is not only know the latest virus and malware but also delivers in-depth and knowledgeable report. The team also participantes in various security drills to accumulate experience. The team also introduced AI/ML technology, self-developed automation tools with precise alert system and cloud-based services to enhance its service capability. This service is possessed the potential for expanding internationally so is highly recommended. |
17 | 網擎資訊軟體(股)公司 | Openfind Secure 郵件資安服務 |
網擎資訊係台灣本土最大郵件資安廠商,屢獲 EaaS 評
AI 分析出高品質威脅情資,透過 Openfind Secure 郵件
析與解方,多年努力值得本項大獎肯定。 Openfind is the largest mail security company in Taiwan. It has won several international awards including EaaS Champion. Its excellent cloud service capabilities are highly recognized by public sector and private companies domestically and internationally. The experts of Openfind have myriad experiences of protection mail systems. Through helping users to protect from real-time attacks, process in-depth forensics of information security events, and provide high-quality analysis of threat information with AI, OSecure helps customers to strengthen their defenses, solve field problems and provide a total solutions for cyber security. The years of hard work invested by Openfind into this service makes it befitting of this prestigious award. |
決審編號 | 廠商名稱 | 產品名稱 | 得獎理由 |
10 | 趨勢科技(股)公司 | Trend Micro Vision One™ |
Trend Micro Vision One™ 聚焦風險分析,利用原生的感
應器及防護點,在配上串聯各個防護層的 XDR 功能,結
裝置,並根據漏洞、異常狀況、XDR 偵測事件、雲端應
商業價值及國際市場競爭力。 Trend Micro Vision One™ focuses on risk analysis and security insights and delivers a broader perspective and better context to detect threats with the industry-leading XDR capabilities. With native sensors and seamless integrations with Trend Micro’s security stack across critical security layers, Trend Micro Vision One™ continuous monitors and corelates the information from vulnerabilities, abnormal behaviors, detection events, cloud app activities and account information. Trend Micro Vision One™ enables enterprises to assess its users and devices under attack. The security team can have a clear view on overall risk level and responds faster with an maximize efficiency by making less sophisticated security resources. Trend Micro Vision One™ receives recognitions from various global research firms and organizations and is a competitive solution in global market. |